Denture Cleaners

Dentures also known as false teeth fit well over the gums in places where there is a missing tooth. This eliminates possible issues caused by gaps like speech and diet, as well as teeth both sides of the gap might develop in the area at an angle. Dentures like teeth need cleaning. It is essential to clean dentures to get rid of plaque and food build-up. This is because unclean dentures may additionally result in issues, for example, bad breath, gum disease, oral thrush and tooth decay.
Dentists advise that you should clean your dentures as frequently as you’d regularly brush your teeth (at least two times a day: every night and morning) by soaking them in a fizzy solution of denture cleaning tablets to remove bacteria and stains, using ultrasonic cleaners and brush them regularly. On this page, we explore products to clean and maintain your dentures in the best hygienic condition.

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