
Sensitive Teeth-vs-Sensitive Gums

When it comes to the mouth, the gums and teeth are two major cogs in the engine. It’s quite easy taking for granted the essential function they perform-that is, till your mouth begins experiencing excruciating pain. Whether you are having sensitive teeth or sensitive gums, either of them is a recipe for oral discomfort. But what are the main differences concerning sensitive teeth vs sensitive gums? And how can you alleviate the pain associated with them? The Sonicare Series 2 vs Series 3 are the best suited for sensitive teeth and gums respectively.

Gum Sensitivity

Gum sensitivity exactly is what it sounds-it is some form of irritation that originates from the gums. When you think that your gums are sensitive, you should look for quite very specific symptoms just to be sure. Gum sensitivity may result from gingivitis, which is the initial stage of gum disease. Several symptoms of gingivitis include swollen and tender gums together with those which bleed easily and elicit bad breath. As this problem progresses into advanced gum disease, another condition you should watch for is receding gums.

Gum sensitivity is based in your gums. This is something that you are going to notice immediately you press against your gums using your finger or tongue. Note that there exist variances concerning how severe your gum can be. You should schedule an appointment with your dentist who is going to perform a closer inspection for a more detailed account.

Causes of Gum Sensitivity

The following are the main causes of gum sensitivity:

1. Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is among the main causes of sensitive gums. It normally begins instigating inflammation in the gums, and this leads to an unpleasant feeling while you are drinking or eating. The sensitivity may also vary, depending on the severity.

2. Poor Oral Hygiene

The hidden cause for most gum sensitivity normally comes from poor oral hygiene. When you are not brushing your teeth, or flossing them as much as is necessary, this tissue may begin to creep up, and in the process lead to problems.

3. Tooth Sensitivity

This is another dental problem that people tend to notice. The nerves that are attached to the tooth may start getting inflamed. This will send bursts of neurons up to your brain, thus resulting in severe pain in your teeth. This sometimes might be mistaken as pain in the gums. You should note that there are several causes for sensitive teeth. It is pertinent that you should have them looked into immediately before they become worse.

What are the causes of tooth sensitivity?

1. Fractures

The main reason has something to do with cavities together with tooth fractures. This is how your nerve endings become exposed, and the sensitivity may begin to worsen.

2. Worn Tooth Enamel

When your enamel is beginning to wear down, your nerve endings will get exposed, and this is where sensitive teeth will become a reality. It is recommended that you should not brush hard for this may worsen the problem.

3. Receding Gums

When your gums are receding, it’s the teeth that is going to be affected. And the further the recession progresses, the worse the sensitivity is going to become.

4. Loose Fillings

This is a reality for those people who have had dental work, though they may be unaware of a loose filling. It’s vital to have that filling worked on since the sensitivity is going to remain till that is carried out.

Treatment and Prevention

1. You should brush your teeth twice a day using soft brush, preferably an electric one.

It’s important to brush your teeth, at least twice a day (night and morning) using some soft brush. Do not utilize a hard brush since it is going to worsen your enamel.

2. Flossing is important

Flossing is also very important because a lot of  bacteria may begin to nestle in between your teeth, and this may lead to real damage. When you feel that your gums and teeth are already very sensitive for string floss, you may try using water flossers.

3. Reduce taking damaging foods and beverages

You should carefully consider what you are eating and drinking regularly. When you are taking coffee or sugary foods, you’re going to do real damage to your teeth and gums.

4. Unclench your teeth

Tooth grinding, over time, wears away the enamel. Often, addressing your stress may stop the problem. When that does not work, you may consult your dentist to fit you a mouth-guard or a splint.

When this problem is severe, then you may require dental work that will change the position of your teeth, or some muscle relaxant.

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